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Thursday 24 March 2011

Symptoms of Mesothelioma

Be it malignant, pleural or peritoneal, mesothelioma symptoms are basically the same for every type. Only the benign type of mesothelioma exhibits different types of symptoms, or none at all for a large percentage of cases. This a general list of symptoms for different types of mesothelioma:

  • early asbestos symptoms in humans are associated with breathing problems in general asbestosis mesothelioma symptoms are easily confused with those of other asbestos related diseases
  • abdominal mesothelioma symptoms are pain in the abdominal region and loss of mobility in that area
  • loss of breath and chest pain are acute asbestos symptoms
  • exposure to asbestos does not cause immediate symptoms, but will develop some breathing issues over a longer period of time
  • signs and symptoms of mesothelioma are confusing at first, but in time they become clear for doctors and the are able to determine exactly what kind of disease is infecting the body

Mesothelioma Symptoms and Diagnosis

Right after a general doctor decides that the symptoms a person is experiencing are a sign of mesothelioma, he will send the individual to a specialist in order to have specific tests performed before a preliminary diagnosis can be set. Asbestosis diagnosis follows the same procedures. The dangers of not recognizing asbestos diseases symptoms are high, and can result in serious health problems.

Mesothelioma presents with breathing issues as symptoms because the first organs to be affected by the disease are the lungs. That it is why mesothelioma cancer treatments also aim to reduce pain and breathing problems experienced by the patient.

Recognizing mesothelioma symptoms is crucial because as the cancer develops it becomes more difficult to treat. Most of the times mesothelioma cancer is discovered right before it reaches the second stage of development, at which point doctors consider that it is a little too late. Highest survival rates are registered by cases when mesothelioma is discovered a few months after starting to develop.


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