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Monday 28 March 2011

Causes of Mesothelioma

Asbestos Mesothelioma. The most common cause of mesothelioma is Asbestos. Asbestos is naturally occurring fibrous material  which is used for insulation purposes. Mesothelioma is an occupational hazard and affects those who work in the industry associated with asbestos. This disease occurs due to inhalation and/or ingestion of the asbestos fibers. Mesothelioma is therefore also referred to as asbestos mesothelioma, as the greatest risk factor of mesothelioma cancer is asbestos.

Based on scientific studies, the most common and obvious cause of mesothelioma is exposure to asbestos. Yes, the same silicate mineral that is used in building construction due to its fire resistant property.  Indeed, when this property was discovered and applied for its benefit, almost all construction projects employ the said mineral through mixing it with cement for better durability. Likewise, the asbestos was also used in other industries such as fabric and mat weaving, electric oven, electrical wiring, and others thus, making a presence in most products in the market. The problem to this scenario is that excessive exposure and intact of asbestos in 
the body is toxic as it can cause mesothelioma, lung cancer, and asbestosis.

Indeed, most of the patients in the medical history who were diagnosed with mesothelioma are building constructors and workers who have direct jobs related to asbestos application in their job. Constant exposure with the possibilities of inhalation of its particles and having direct contact with it through bare skin significantly increase the risk of incurring mesothelioma. In fact, prior to physical examination for the diagnosis of the symptoms of mesothelioma, medical physician first evaluate any possibilities of asbestos contact in the occupation of the patient. Not only that but prolong contact with building walls made up of asbestos mixture can also post some risk as tiny fibres and particles can still be inhaled from the said source. As such, legal actions have mandated the use of asbestos in most industry at present.

Though asbestos is the most common cause of mesothelioma, there are also other possible factors that can induce the said form of cancer or further aggravate the negative effect of asbestos. Chain smoking is one of them wherein nicotine and tar from the cigarette can strip the natural protective lining in the lungs inducing more pleural effusion immunosuppressive effects. There are also particular viruses that have been determined to be potential cause of mesothelioma. Some studies have linked the Simian virus to some mesothelioma cases yet there is still not definitive conclusion for this possibility.

Q.. How much time of exposure to asbestos can cause mesothelioma ?
Just an exposure of one to two months to asbestos is enough to get mesothelioma, which may manifest maybe 40 or 50 or 60 years later.

Other Causes of Mesothelioma ?

Occasionally, exposure to radiation has also been known to cause mesothelioma. Other causes of mesothelioma are still not understood. Mesothelioma is not due to genetic causes of cancer  which is known to be a major cause of cancer as explained in causes and risk factors of cancer. Family members of patients who have developed malignant mesothelioma, are therefore not at any cancer risk.

Sunday 27 March 2011

Mesothelioma Prognosis

The term prognosis is used to describe the likely outcome of a disease, how long a diagnosed patient is expected to live, and the quality of life expected during that time.  This article discusses the prognosis for mesothelioma patients affected on a multitude of levels.

Once a patient is diagnosed, a doctor will likely discuss their prognosis, or probable course and outcome of the cancer's influence on the body.  The best way to avoid a poor prognosis is through early detection.  As a result, the prognosis for the majority of patients is poor, but many doctors can recommend treatment options such as surgery, chemotherapy and radiation to help combat the disease. 

In addition to the stage of the cancer and the age of the patient, other factors that affect prognosis include: The type of mesothelioma – pleural, peritoneal, pericardial or testicular The size of the tumor, the location of the tumor, and whether it can be surgically removed, the extent of other symptoms, including fluid in the lungs or abdomen and whether or not the patient is a smoker. 

Though numerous factors affect a patient's prognosis such as age, overall health, and the type of mesothelioma the patient is battling, the average length of survival reported throughout the last five years has been 10 to 11 months after diagnosis.  Early detection of pleural mesothelioma can improve a patient's mesothelioma prognosis considerably, and these patients have more extensive treatment options. 

Patients diagnosed with pleural mesothelioma in stage one or two generally have greater treatment options and a better prognosis.  Pleural mesothelioma patients who are not diagnosed early enough for curative treatment have fewer treatment options, mostly limited to palliative treatments, designed to relieve pain and discomfort to improve a patient's quality of life, rather than their prognosis. 

If a patient is diagnosed once the disease has reached the advanced stages, treatment options are limited and prognosis is often compromised.  A patient's overall health status and age greatly affects the prognosis.  Cancer that has not metastasized to other areas of the body gives physicians a lot more treatment options and improves a patient's prognosis dramatically. 

Pleural mesothelioma patients have a poorer prognosis if they are experiencing chest pain, shortness of breath, inability to perform daily tasks, weight loss, a low red blood cell count, a high white blood cell count, and high blood levels of a substance called LDH (lactate dehydrogenase, an enzyme).  Pleural mesothelioma patients who experience these symptoms usually receive a prognosis ranging between six and 12 months. 

The median survival of patients diagnosed with malignant mesothelioma from time of first dignosis is one year; in male patients or those with elevated white-cell counts, thrombocytosis or anemia, the prognosis is far worse.  The presence of certain biochemical markers, as well increased vascularity or the presence of the SV40 virus in the tumor, are other indicators that the prognosis would be more serious.  The fibrosarcomatus type carries the worst prognosis, while the mixed (a combination of both kinds) comes in between them.
However, many have overcome such a poor prognosis and have prolonged their life in a multitude of ways.

Thursday 24 March 2011

Symptoms of Mesothelioma

Be it malignant, pleural or peritoneal, mesothelioma symptoms are basically the same for every type. Only the benign type of mesothelioma exhibits different types of symptoms, or none at all for a large percentage of cases. This a general list of symptoms for different types of mesothelioma:

  • early asbestos symptoms in humans are associated with breathing problems in general asbestosis mesothelioma symptoms are easily confused with those of other asbestos related diseases
  • abdominal mesothelioma symptoms are pain in the abdominal region and loss of mobility in that area
  • loss of breath and chest pain are acute asbestos symptoms
  • exposure to asbestos does not cause immediate symptoms, but will develop some breathing issues over a longer period of time
  • signs and symptoms of mesothelioma are confusing at first, but in time they become clear for doctors and the are able to determine exactly what kind of disease is infecting the body

Mesothelioma Symptoms and Diagnosis

Right after a general doctor decides that the symptoms a person is experiencing are a sign of mesothelioma, he will send the individual to a specialist in order to have specific tests performed before a preliminary diagnosis can be set. Asbestosis diagnosis follows the same procedures. The dangers of not recognizing asbestos diseases symptoms are high, and can result in serious health problems.

Mesothelioma presents with breathing issues as symptoms because the first organs to be affected by the disease are the lungs. That it is why mesothelioma cancer treatments also aim to reduce pain and breathing problems experienced by the patient.

Recognizing mesothelioma symptoms is crucial because as the cancer develops it becomes more difficult to treat. Most of the times mesothelioma cancer is discovered right before it reaches the second stage of development, at which point doctors consider that it is a little too late. Highest survival rates are registered by cases when mesothelioma is discovered a few months after starting to develop.

Mesothaliomia 4th stage

Mesothelioma has 4 stages of development, each stage coming with its treatment issues and symptoms getting worse with every new stage. If left untreated, or if treatment methods performed on the patient are not positive, mesothelioma is free to reach the fourth stage of development.

Symptoms and changes of stage 4 mesothelioma cancer

The following is a list of symptoms and changes that a patient with stage IV mesothelioma cancer may encounter:
  • a patient with stage 4 mesothelioma will experience extreme levels of pain in the areas affected by cancer, and will require large doses of painkillers and symptomatic relievers
  • the cancer has advanced and reached the blood stream, being able to spread throughout the body
  • mesothelioma has spread to the chest wall lining, the pleura, lymph nodes on both sides and is covering one entire lung, and starting to spread to other one
  • mesothelioma will start spreading to the brain, liver and even the heart of the patient

The prognosis for a patient in stage IV of mesothelioma is not positive at all. At this point mesothelioma doctors will try any kind of drug to stop the cancer from reaching other parts of the body. Drugs used include ALIMTA, one of the newest and most effective drugs available, and Platinol, a platinum based drug that works well in stopping or at least slowing the cancers development throughout the body. If the patient doesn't react to that kind of treatment it usually means that the cancer will allow the person to live no longer than a month.

Doctors advise people that live in high asbestos exposure areas to have tests taken at least once each year, and if they notice symptoms close to the ones that are associated with mesothelioma have a doctor see them as soon as possible because discovering cancer in its early stages means that the patient has a chance of being cured


Mesothaliomia Third stage

Left untreated, or if the patient doesn't respond well to the treatment he or she receives, will allow mesothelioma cancer to reach the third stage of development. Stage 3 mesothelioma symptoms are very obvious, and if the person hasn't yet been diagnosed, it will be very clear for any doctors or physicians that the persons lungs and other organs are affected by mesothelioma cancer as a result of prolonged exposure to asbestos.

Mesothelioma Stage III

When the cancer has reached its third stage of development, the body goes to several of the following changes and conditions:
  • the pleura is affected entirely
  • the chest wall is also completely affected by stage III mesothelioma
  • the lung on that part of the body that the cancer has spread to has almost
  • completely shut down because the diaphragm helping it contract and expand is overwhelmed by the cancer
  • the patient suffers extreme pain in the areas affected by mesothelioma stage 3 cancer, and requires painkillers

Treatment methods for stage 3 mesothelioma are mostly types of radiation therapy combined with the strongest of chemotherapy drugs. Doctors allow patients at this stage to try alternative methods, mostly to relieve pain and symptoms and to help relax the muscles and brain.

Clinical trials of mesothelioma may require a biopsy at this point in the cancers development in order to establish which combination of drugs and treatment methods the patient will react best to. The disease should not be allowed to develop even more, because if it reaches stage four of development it will spread rapidly to other organs such as the brain and heart, and becomes almost impossible to treat. Also, at this stage, doctors try new and experimental methods of treatment, such as photo dynamic therapy or some alternative treatment methods, meditation, acupuncture and TENS therapy. Theimmunotherapy treatment method is also given a try. With all this, if the patient doesn't start to react in a positive way to treatment, the cancer will evolve to its' fourth and final stage of development.

Mesothalimia Second stage

.In the second stage, the two layers of the pleura are 
already affected by Mesothelioma. Take note, however, that in this stage, only one side of the body is affected. 

Normally, the pleura produces only small amount of
lubricating fluid that allows easy expanding and
contracting of the lungs. The excess fluid is absorbed by the blood and the lymph vessels so there's a balance between the amount of fluid produced and removed. During the second stage Mesothelioma, fluid starts to build up
between the membrane of the lungs and the membrane of the chest wall, resulting to pleural effusion. The increase in the volume of fluid produced 

causes shortness of breath and chest pain.

Other Mesothelioma cancer patients experience dry and persistent cough. Diagnosis of the 
pleural effusion is achieved through a chest x-ray. 

Tuesday 22 March 2011

Treatment of Mesothalimia Ist stage

Now We discuss todays for Ist stage of   mesothalimia     today, well its a very easy through prediction and Ideas in reports so get start to give so many ideas to give some medicines also to cover as soon as possible.some pateint have problem, Not take medicines at the time when doctor advised so every body know time is time, so what is the best way to go to recover let see..

Stage 1. Mesothelioma: The most common method of  treatment for patients in stage 1 is surgical 
removal either using pleurectomy/decortication or alternatively extrapleural pneumonectomy. It is 
currently unknown whether chemotherapy or radiation therapy for stage 1 mesothelioma has any 
value for the patient.

Localized Malignant Mesothelioma (Stage I)
  • Standard treatment options:
    • Solitary mesotheliomas:
      • Surgical resection en bloc including contiguous structures to ensure wide disease-free margins. Sessile polypoid lesions should be treated with surgical resection to ensure maximal potential for cure.
    • Intracavitary mesothelioma:
      • Palliative surgery (i.e., pleurectomy and decortication) with or without postoperative radiation therapy.
      • Extrapleural pneumonectomy.
      • Palliative radiation therapy.
  • Treatment options under clinical evaluation:
    • Intracavitary chemotherapy following resection.
    • Multimodality therapy.
    • Other clinical trials. 

Monday 21 March 2011

Mesothelioma Stages

There are basically three stages of mesothelioma but we sure 
about that if we handle 1st stage of mesothelioma so we handle
it and save the patient going to danger let see what 
the stages ?

Staging is the process of finding out how far the cancer has spread. Staging of mesothelioma is based on imaging studies such as x-rays, CT scans, and MRI scans. The treatment and outlook for patients with mesothelioma largely depends on the stage (extent of spread) of their cancer. Since pleural mesothelioma occurs more commonly and has been studied the most, it is the only mesothelioma for which a staging classification exists.
The staging system most often used for mesothelioma is the Butchart system. This system is based mainly on the extent of the primary tumor mass, and divides mesotheliomas into stages I through IV.

Butchart Staging System

  • Stage I: Mesothelioma is present within the right or left pleura, and may also involve the lung, pericardium, or diaphragm (the muscle separating the chest from the abdomen) on the same side.

  • Stage II: Mesothelioma invades the chest wall or involves the esophagus (food passage connecting the throat to the stomach), heart, or pleura on both sides. The lymph nodes in the chest may also be involved.

  • Stage III: Mesothelioma has penetrated through the diaphragm into the peritoneum (lining of the abdominal cavity). Lymph nodes beyond those in the chest may also be involved.

  • Stage IV: There is evidence of distant metastases (spread through the bloodstream to other organs).
Another staging system has recently been developed by the American Joint Committee on Cancer (AJCC). This is a TNM system, similar to staging systems used for most other cancers. T stands for tumor (its size and how far it has spread to nearby organs), N stands for spread to lymph nodes and M is for metastasis (spread to distant organs).

TNM Staging System

  • Stage I: Mesothelioma involves the right or left pleura. It may also have spread into the lung, pericardium, or diaphragm on the same side. It has not yet spread to the lymph nodes.

  • Stage II: Mesothelioma has spread from the pleura on one side to the nearby peribronchial and/or hilar lymph nodes next to the lung on the same side. It may also have spread into the lung, pericardium, or diaphragm on the same side.

  • Stage III: Mesothelioma has spread into the chest wall muscle, ribs, heart, esophagus, or other organs in the chest on the same side as the primary tumor, with or without spread to subcarinal and/or mediastinal lymph nodes on the same side as the main tumor. Subcarinal nodes are located at the point where the windpipe branches to the left and right lungs. Mediastinal lymph nodes are located in the space behind the chest bone in front of the heart. Mesotheliomas with the same extent of local spread as in stage II that have also spread to subcarinal and/or mediastinal lymph nodes on the same side are also included in stage III.

  • Stage IV: Mesothelioma has spread into the lymph nodes in the chest on the side opposite that of the primary tumor, or directly extends to the pleura or lung on the opposite side, or directly extends into the peritoneum, or directly extends into organs in the abdominal cavity or neck. Any mesothelioma with evidence of distant metastases (spread to other organs through the bloodstream) or spread to organs beyond the chest or abdomen is included in this stage.

Although the recently developed TNM classification is the most detailed and precise, the original Butchart staging system is still used most often to describe the spread of pleural mesotheliomas. Understanding these staging systems for mesothelioma is important both for estimating prognosis, and also for assessing therapeutic options.
Prognostic Factors  Younger age at diagnosis, good general state of health and absence of weight loss are associated with a more favorable prognosis.

Mesothelioma are usually of three different cell types (histological analysis): 1) epithelial cell type - has the most favorable prognosis; 2) sarcomatoid cell type - carries the worst prognosis and 3) mixed cell type - has an intermediate prognosis.

Patients should also educate themselves about mesothelioma and treatment options and reach out to available resources to make coping with a mesothelioma diagnosis easier

Well Conditions depend the values what her/him relation follow the patients and Patient also follow the conditons 
what did he or she feel ? So life is so short but not easier at that conditions, but we follow the rule so life its so 
Easier ...Please save humain beings..

Sunday 20 March 2011

Mesothelioma Treatment

Life is so good when we dont loose patience and really I believe that I save
human beings to help all over the worlds of their bad diseases so i give some
information about mesothelioma cancer and you see the good and reliable

If you are a victim of Mesothelioma cancer, how will you get into Mesothelioma treatment? 

The best way is to find reliable Mesothelioma cancer information and learn first everything that is relevant to Mesothelioma. 

Do you think that Mesothelioma treatments are effective in one or two applications only? It depends to the patient’s body on how we react to the Mesothelioma treatment.

The doctor is the first one who is being aware for applying Mesothelioma treatment. We already know the advantage and disadvantage in taking them. 

And most of the time Mesothelioma treatments are being useless in some reason. 

Mesothelioma treatments are broken down into two categories:

1.Traditional treatments

Traditional mesothelioma treatments are similar to other standard cancer treatment modalities.

Two or more traditional mesothelioma treatments are often used together to better combat cancerous cells.

Traditional mesothelioma treatments are often used in combination with one-another to best target cancer cells.

2.New treatments.

New mesothelioma treatments are in the process of ongoing research, development and testing. 

New mesothelioma treatments are being evaluated in mesothelioma clinical trials in hopes of a mesothelioma cure. 

While mesothelioma treatments are slowly inhibiting the victim from being able to enjoy the life they have left, big business is slowly killing the rights of mesothelioma symptoms victims all over the country.

Most of the Mesothelioma treatment options are too high in price that ordinary victims cannot afford to have such treatment.

Various Mesothelioma Treatments

* Bronchoscopy

* Biopsy

* CT scans

* Laparocoscopy

* Mediastinoscopy

* Thorocoscopy

* Peritoneoscopy

* Radiotherapy

* X-ray 

* Fluid drainage

* MRI scan

Usually, some medicines and necessary materials are used to function well. With this kind of Mesothelioma treatment, a victim will recover faster.

Having a treatment is necessary because it gives life to the patient or victim in order to survive. Put hope mostly on the family and relative of the patient, and the most important role is to cure everyone with a disease like Mesothelioma cancer.

To be better familiarized with Mesothelioma cancer, join some group or programs relative and concerned with epidemic cancer for the purpose on how to prevent cancer by applying new health technology, healthy lifestyle, diet and nutrition counseling, and alternatives.

Mesothelioma treatments are constantly being developed through clinical trials and research. Mesothelioma treatments are advancing, but the disease still claims far too many lives each year. 

Mesothelioma treatments are themselves very aggressive, and invasive, and in many cases not recommended. Treatments are very expensive and usually range -between four hundred thousand and eight hundred thousand dollars.

Life just like a Rose believe me just do proper treatment and take a medicines in a proper time and listen my
followers PLZ SAVE THE ALL CANCER PATEINTS through this proper treatment I request to You All ..

If you are a victim of Mesothelioma cancer, how will you get into Mesothelioma treatment?

The best way is to find reliable Mesothelioma cancer information and learn first everything that is relevant to Mesothelioma.

Do you think that Mesothelioma treatments are effective in one or two applications only? It depends to the patient’s body on how we react to the Mesothelioma treatment.

The doctor is the first one who is being aware for applying Mesothelioma treatment. We already know the advantage and disadvantage in taking them.

And most of the time Mesothelioma treatments are being useless in some reason.

Mesothelioma treatments are broken down into two categories:

1.Traditional treatments

Traditional mesothelioma treatments are similar to other standard cancer treatment modalities.

Two or more traditional mesothelioma treatments are often used together to better combat cancerous cells.

Traditional mesothelioma treatments are often used in combination with one-another to best target cancer cells.

2.New treatments.

New mesothelioma treatments are in the process of ongoing research, development and testing.

New mesothelioma treatments are being evaluated in mesothelioma clinical trials in hopes of a mesothelioma cure.

While mesothelioma treatments are slowly inhibiting the victim from being able to enjoy the life they have left, big business is slowly killing the rights of mesothelioma symptoms victims all over the country.

Most of the Mesothelioma treatment options are too high in price that ordinary victims cannot afford to have such treatment.

Various Mesothelioma Treatments

* Bronchoscopy

* Biopsy

* CT scans

* Laparocoscopy

* Mediastinoscopy

* Thorocoscopy

* Peritoneoscopy

* Radiotherapy

* X-ray

* Fluid drainage

* MRI scan

Usually, some medicines and necessary materials are used to function well. With this kind of Mesothelioma treatment, a victim will recover faster.

Having a treatment is necessary because it gives life to the patient or victim in order to survive. Put hope mostly on the family and relative of the patient, and the most important role is to cure everyone with a disease like Mesothelioma cancer.

To be better familiarized with Mesothelioma cancer, join some group or programs relative and concerned with epidemic cancer for the purpose on how to prevent cancer by applying new health technology, healthy lifestyle, diet and nutrition counseling, and alternatives.

Mesothelioma treatments are constantly being developed through clinical trials and research. Mesothelioma treatments are advancing, but the disease still claims far too many lives each year.

Mesothelioma treatments are themselves very aggressive, and invasive, and in many cases not recommended. Treatments are very expensive and usually range -between four hundred thousand and eight hundred thousand dollars.

Listen peoples Life just Like A Rose and Rose smell you know how is it ? It Good so that the patient, if you do 
the proper treatment and take proper medicines on time so diffinately you take result So I request To you 
All Please Save the Cancer Patient PLease